Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Power of Team

There's something very special and powerful about being a part of a team that you enjoy. We had the opportunity to spend the day yesterday with our colleagues, the Schaeffer family, as well as Diana Burg, the daughter of another colleague. Our families have children that are close to the same age. The children enjoyed riding all of the roller coasters and water rides they could fit in in the day. The parents on the other hand..... had fun too, but not on too many of the same rides. We enjoyed "catching up" after this past year of being on two different continents.

Back to the team idea - we have a great team in Burkina Faso. A good number of them will be missing this next year, due to a year of home assignment for them. They will be missed. Those of us still on the field will do what we can do to fill in the gaps.

Some of the thoughts I've had about what makes a team work:
  1. A team needs a common vision. It helps to pull in the same direction.

  2. A team needs to build trust between one another.

  3. A team needs to be a place where members are affirmed and supported by one another.

  4. A team needs to take time to play together. (As my mother used to say: "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy".

  5. A team needs accountability so that it can be as effective as possible.

  6. A team needs leadership that cares.

I feel blessed to have a great team to work with in Burkina Faso. My prayer and you can join us, is that we will be the strongest team possible so that we can make the greatest impact on the kingdom possible.

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