Thursday, March 3, 2011

Pastor Francois and Rebeccah

Pastor Francois and Rebeccah are supposed to be retired now, but they lead very busy lives. They are in demand all over to share their stories of God's power and His faithfulness. When I visited them recently, they told of how God provided for them through the years. They never told anyone of their needs, but God would always provide - on time! They told of one time, during a famine, Their sack of grain did not go down. It continued to be replenished for a number of months, as they fed their whole family from it. When the harvest came, the sack became empty and they did not dispair, because God had provided until the need was met.

When we delivered them three sacks of corn the other day, they told us that they had just finished their grain the day before and had asked God to provide for them. The Colyar family had come from Boulder City and God had put it on their heart to provide food for people in need. Isn't it neat how God puts something on the heart of a family in Boulder City, NV to provide food for folks in Burkina Faso and God led to give to Pastor Francois and Rebecca. Though they rejoiced, they were not surprised that God provide. He always has!

The Truth Sets Free

Ibrahim is a young man in the village of Nehourou. We recently visited there, as we were helping a small church put up a shelter that they could meet under. The Colyar family, from Boulder City, NV had raised the $2000 needed to do this. Ibrahim is a young man in the church there. His story is interesting.

He left the village and went to Cote d'Ivoire, the neighboring country. He attended Koranic school there. Later, he got his driver's license and got a job. But then he began to experience demonic trouble and lost his mind. After trying everything to get him help, they sent him back to Nehourou. He encountered believers there and they prayed for him and he was delivered and regained his full mind. He returned to Cote d'Ivoire, only to have the same thing happen. Once again, he returned to the village and was delivered through the prayer of the believers. He has decided to stay in Nehourou and live his life there. The truth has set him free and he wants to learn how to read and write so that he can help others know the truth!

I Love It When a Plan Comes Together

Remember the days when Hannibal, from The A-Team, would say, "I love it when a plan comes together". I definitely am in that category. I recently accompanied the Colyar family from Boulder City, NV on a trip to the Tougan area, where I grew up. One of the things they had wanted to do was to distribute food to people in need. We determined to give a 200 lb of corn to every retired pastor or retired pastor's widow. These people have served the Lord for years with the bare minimum of support. Most of them received no more than $3 a month for support from the church. The bag of corn blessed them greatly. To have someone recognize their years of service was an encouragement.

At one home, the home of Pastor Francois and Rebeccah, we delivered three bags of corn because they had many people living there and depending on them, in spite of their own poverty. When we off-loaded the bags of corn, Pastor Francois told us that just the day before they had swept the rest of their grain in the storeroom and didn't know where the next food would come from. Then we showed up! I love it when a plan comes together. Thank you, Lord.