Monday, February 15, 2010

A Follow-Up on Mr. G

On November 15 I wrote to you about "Mr. G", who became a Christian out of a background out of Islam. Things have not been easy. He recently was ill, as he suffers from diabetes. He hurt his toe and it wasn't healing. He went to the hospital and they initially thought it would be best to amputate at the knee. He ended up with an amputated big toe. On the local Islamic radio station, they were talking about "this man who left the 'road' and is now paying dearly for it. They also stated that he had had both legs amputated, which was not true.

As Mr. G does not have gainful employment now, we are looking at the possibility of helping him start a small chicken project with egg layers.

Please pray for Mr. G and his family. He needs your prayers for healing and for courage to press on.

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