Wednesday, October 28, 2009

God Enjoys Doing the Little Things

My father used to say that "God enjoys doing the little things for us". And I believe he was absolutely correct. Some people may attribute some of it to "chance". I don't see it that way.

I was recently helping to set up a temporary garden project at Dorcas House recently. We were pulling a fence around an area to keep the chickens and sheep out of the garden. I had tried my best to determine how much fencing I needed, where to put the posts, etc. Appleton Alliance Church had a small team out here and several of the men helped me to get the posts laid out. When the time came to pull the fence, it began to look like we might need to buy a little more fencing. The girls at Dorcas House came out and offered to help pull the chain link fence. Some thought the fence wouldn't reach, but it did, with 2 inches to spare. That's the kind of thing I think God enjoys doing. I sure enjoyed the moment and for a moment, I imagined my father smiling as he saw God, once again, do a small thing for one of His children.

What has He done for you recently, that you may have missed. Sometimes they're small, but they are grand. Keep your eyes open!

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