Monday, June 15, 2009

The Power of One - Including the Young and the Old

I have been excited to hear stories of people who decide that they want to do something big. Real big. It's just exciting to dream, I think. What are you dreaming?

The youth pastor here at the church we have been living near recently told me he wants to raise money to feed millions of people in Africa. Most people might laugh at him. I say go for it.

A young man in Atlanta, decided, with some of his friends (when they were still in 8th grade), to do something big. They pooled their money to buy rubber bracelets to sell. With the profits, they decided to help put in wells in Africa. That small beginning with a couple of young people has become an organization called "Dry Tears" (check out their website at That young man just graduated from High School this year. Since the beginning, Dry Tears has raised over $100,000 for wells in Africa!

The youth group here at the Glenview Alliance Church in Pennsylvania, set a goal of $5,000 that they would raise during a "30-hour Famine" that would go to buy food and clothing for poor people in Burkina Faso. In the end, they raised over $12,000 for the cause!

You see, all it takes is an inspired dream, some people to get behind it, and some people to carry it out. What idea might God birth in you today? What big things might he want to do through your "big idea". It reminds me of the passage in Joel where God talks about the "young men shall see visions and the old men shall dream dreams".

As God's people, with all of the power of the Spirit behind us and in front of us, let's dream some dreams.


  1. So true, Steve... Right now we are asking God for 4 new families at our church by the end of the year. Since all the new people we're getting so far are youth, that seems like an impossible dream. But, as you say, the Holy Spirit's power is ours for the asking!

  2. Dear Steve,
    Just saw your Directors Blog Site: it is very informative for those of us here in Africa and for those all over the world!
    Peggy Drake
